Inspiring children to explore, learn and grow through Christ

What is Kindergarten and entitlements?
Early childhood education (preschool) and care instils social, physical, emotional, personal, creative, and cognitive learning in children. It’s delivered by qualified educators (including teachers and early childhood workers) through a formalised learning framework.
In Kindergarten, children will attend between ages 3-5 depending on when they turn 4 years of age. Children are entitled to 15 hours per week for the 12 months prior to school entry.
When can a child start?
A child must be 4 years of age, or close to their 4th birthday to start kindy.
There are two intakes per year, one in Term 1 and one in Term 3. Your child is entitled to start kindergarten in Term 1 (ie. beginning of the year) if they have turned 4 years old by the end of April. If your child’s 4th birthday falls between 1 May – 31 October, they are eligible to start in Term 3 (ie. middle of the year).
Payment of Fees & other money
Kindy fees for 2024 are as follows *:
Pre-entry - $ 30
Full time - $210 per term *
* Fees are subject to increase in 2025.
The Government funds staff wages and part of the cost of materials. Fees go towards cleaning costs, maintenance, insurance and other resources. Concordia Kindergarten is responsible for repairs and maintenance, all improvements and resources.
Session Days / Times
FULL TIME KINDERGARTEN (30 hours across the fortnight)
Full days: 9.00 am - 3 pm : MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY.
TRANSITION: In the term prior to full time kindy starting. This occurs in Term 2 and Term 4.
Enrolment Process
Playgroup is for children younger than kindergarten age. A parent or care-provider is required to remain with the child at all times and be responsible for their child’s play and packing up. There is a small fee of $3 per family for each playgroup session. Further details are available from the staff.
Visit our FaceBook Page for more information
Before & After Care
Families can access this service for their child from 7:30am - 9:00am (before the kindergarten session begins) and from 3:00pm - 5:00pm (after the kindergarten session has finished). There is a fee of $5 per half hour *.
This can be arranged with the Director as a permanent booking or as a casual booking on the days your child attends kindergarten.
* Times are subject to change based on demand. The cost is also subject to change.
The Child and Family Health Service provides free support for all children from birth to 5 years, living in South Australia. The Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS) supports families in South Australia with children aged 0–5 years by responding early in life to children’s health, development, and wellbeing needs. The child is at the centre of all decision making and intensive support is offered to those with greater need.
CaFHS work with families for the best health and development outcomes for children, and staff will refer families to other healthcare and community services as required.
Specialist Services
Speech & OT services available through NDIS. We work in partnership with a child’s support services.
Our centre has access to outside specialist personnel such as:
Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Social Workers and Special Education Advisors
Children who have additional developmental needs may be supported by the service. Discussions between parents and staff may indicate the need for a referral for additional support.