Inspiring children to explore, learn and grow through Christ

Not at all. Concordia Kindergarten welcomes all children and their families from all faiths and religions, backgrounds and circumstances. We are inclusive of everyone!
Children that are enrolled at Concordia Kindergarten will experience a ‘Christian education’ which includes learning about God, Jesus and the Bible and a culture that embeds a Christian ethos.
No. Children can attend any school (public or private). Concordia Kindergarten supports each child’s transition into school and works with our local school community with transition visits (both onsite and offsite) and liaisons with site leaders and teachers when required.
Children usually attend one of our local schools in the Murraylands. These include:
Unity College R-12, St. Josephs School R-9, Tindale Christian School R-12, Murray Bridge North School R-6, Murray Bridge South Primary School R-6, and Fraser Park Primary School R-6.
Children can attend Concordia Kindergarten on alternate days;
Monday and Thursday with alternate Wednesdays
Tuesday and Friday with alternate Wednesdays
This makes up 5 days per fortnight and equals 30 hours per fortnight. Kindergarten starts from 9am and finishes at 3pm. We offer before and after kindy care services if longer days are required.
A child can attend Concordia Kindergarten 12 month prior to starting school. A child can start in either Term 1 (beginning of the year) and in Term 3 (the middle of the year). Children are entitled to access 4 terms (=1 year) of preschool in the year before they start school. Compulsory school age in South Australia is 6 years, therefore you may wish to delay your child starting kindergarten.
This means:
If my child turns 4 years of age before 1 May, they are eligible to start preschool at the beginning of the year.
If my child turns 4 years of age between 1 May to 31 October, they can start preschool through the mid-year intake.
If my child turns 4 years of age after 31 October, they will be eligible to commence preschool at the start of the following year.
If your child identifies as Aboriginal or if your child is or has been in care they are eligible for 2 years of preschool. Therefore they can start at 3 years, or 4 years and continue until just prior to their 6th birthday.
We ask that they do! Early childhood services cannot enrol children into their service if their parent or carer has not given them current immunisation records.
Concordia Kindergarten requires an “immunisation history statement”.
Under the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (the Act), children cannot enrol in or attend early childhood services unless all immunisation requirements are met (No Jab, No Play).
Please view the Department of Education (SA) webpage for further information on immunisation and exemptions.
Parents or carers can access an immunisation history statement via the:
Medicare online account through myGov
Express Plus Medicare mobile app
or by contacting the Australian Immunisation Register general enquiries line on 1800 653 809 and requesting a statement be mailed out.
The ‘baby record book’ or ‘blue book’ is not accepted as proof of immunisation.
Yes, we ask that child attending kindy be able to manage toiletting. If your child has difficulties and requires support, this can be discussed at the enrolment meeting prior to a child stating at kindy. Staff can support children with toilet timing and reminders throughout the day, as well as change children if they have a toileting accident.
If your child requires nappies (ie. wears a nappy or pull-up nappy), then a ‘continence care plan’ is required from a GP (doctor). This can be discussed with the director.
Your child should bring a bag (eg. backpack) with space for these items;
Lunch box
Fresh fuit/vegetable snack
Drink (water) bottle
Spare clothing (labelled and weather appropriate)
A sun-safe hat
Concordia kindergarten is an inclusive environment and we welcome all children. Some children with additional needs and or special rights may be able to start kindergarten early or have a longer transition time. This is at the discretion of the kindergarten Director and we must consider space and staffing availability. Please contact the director to discuss specific details about your child and what they require.
Concordia Kindergarten can offer preschool support for some children with additional needs. We can also seek support, advice and recommendations from a Special Educator from the Department of Education and we liaison with local organisations that offer support for children.
There are several ways you can enrol your child;
Contact the kindergarten and make an appointment to have a kindy tour.
Visit the kindergarten and fill out a preliminary enrolment form
Complete the electronic preliminary enrolment form
Once we have your details on the preliminary enrolment form, the director will contact you 2 terms before your child is eligible to start. From then, you will be given an enrolment pack with an official enrolment form to complete as well as additional information about kindy and then a plan to book an enrolment meeting.
Yes there are. Transition visits are offered in the term before your child would start kindy. This occurs in Term 4 (in readiness for starting at the beginning of the year), and in Term 2 (in readiness for starting mid year).