Inspiring children to explore, learn and grow through Christ

Parent Information
Kindy fees for 2025 are as follows *:
Pre-entry - $ 30
Full time - $220 per term *
* Fees are subject to increase in 2026.
The Government funds staff wages and part of the cost of materials. Fees go towards cleaning costs, maintenance, insurance and other resources. Concordia Kindergarten is responsible for repairs and maintenance, all improvements and resources.
Term Dates
Please note that these dates may change and may not include closure days (one per term). The director will provide updated term dates and information about events, closure days or changes, each term in their communication with families.
Term 1: 28 January to 11 April
Term 2: 28 April to 4 July
Term 3: 21 July to 26 September
Term 4: 13 October to 12 December
Term 1: 27 January to 10 April
Term 2: 27 April to 3 July
Term 3: 20 July to 25 September
Term 4: 12 October to 11 December
Session Times
FULL TIME KINDERGARTEN (30 hours across the fortnight)
In the term prior to full time kindy starting. This occurs in Term 2 and Term 4.
Please contact the Director for further information. Details will be posted on the website when confirmed.
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia is our guiding curriculum.
The national curriculum was developed to ensure each child receives quality education programs in their early childhood setting. The Framework envisions that all children to experience play-based learning that is engaging and builds success for life.
The Early Years Learning Framework describes childhood as a time of belonging, being and becoming.
Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture, and place.
Being is about living here and now. Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’—time to play, try new things and have fun.
Becoming is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult they will become.
Through the Framework’s five learning goals, educators will assist your child to develop:
a strong sense of their identity
connections with their world
a strong sense of wellbeing
confidence and involvement in their learning and
effective communication skills
As a Lutheran Kindergarten we engage the children in the Lutheran Christian Studies Curriculum Framework. We have intentional teaching around God, Jesus, the Bible (stories) and Creation. This occurs through planned and unplanned learning opportunities. Our focus on Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control, (the fruits of the Spirit). This fits well with the intentions of the Early Years Learning Framework of holistic development and growth.
One of the Pastors from our local Lutheran churches visits twice a week visiting all children. The Pastor develops a strong positive relationship with the children simply coming and engaging with the children as they access the kindergarten’s varied learning environments.
Further information about Lutheran Education Australia and the Christian Studies Curriculum Framework can be found here:
The staff meet regularly after kindergarten to discuss all aspect of kindy including the program, observations of children, future planning and what information is shared (reported) to families.
REPORTING TO PARENTS - is achieved by:
DISCUSSION - The staff are always willing to talk about your child’s progress. Parents may contact the kindy by phone or email if they are unable to see us personally.
DISPLAYS – in the kindy report visually the things your child has been doing at kindergarten. This may include photos, anecdotes, art work and the floor-book.
PARENT/EDUCATOR INTERVIEWS - are offered in term 1 and 3 to update parents on their child’s learning journey and provide an opportunity to discuss their learning goals, needs and areas or support that is needed.
REPORTS - A final Summative Report (a Statement of Learning) is written in the child’s last term of kindy, which focuses on the child’s strengths for learning and areas they have been supported.
DIGITAL DOCUMENTATION (OWNA app) - includes a collation of children's work, examples of their learning and the program that is in digital format (ie. photos and videos). This is added to throughout the year on a regular basis by staff. This allows your child to share with you what he or she is doing at kindy. Parents can keep (or save) the posts created by staff and comment or ‘like’ a post.
THE PROGRAM - The kindergarten program is a working document and is added to daily. This is displayed at kindy and shared with families fortnightly. The program includes learning experiences for both individuals and groups of children, and also what our intentions for the learning are.
THE WRAP UP - We create a “WRAP UP" (overview) of the term program. This is a combination of photos and text which shares learning from the teachers and educators point of view and summarizes the program.
Children are encouraged to wear clothing that is weather appropriate and allows for play and movement. Children can choose to wear a uniform with the Concordia Kindergarten logo, however this is not compulsory.
Uniforms are available at any time for ordering or purchasing on site. There are a variety of polo tops, bucket hats, hoodies and jumpers in many colours and in sizes 4, 6 and 8. There are also second-hand uniforms available (stock may vary).
Please see the Director for further information and stock availability.
Parents/caregivers are expected to sign their child in and out of the site, upon arrival and exit. If your child is absent for any reason (ie. Holidays, illness, injury), we ask that parents inform the kindergarten via the OWNA app, phone call or email.
Connecting with us
You can connect with us via email, our Facebook page and the OWNA app, to see what is happening at Concordia Kindergarten!
Parents/caregivers will be given details to download the OWNA app with log in information upon your child’s enrolment at Concordia Kindergarten.
Preschool app for parents
Our FaceBook page